Monday 18 March 2013

French ALps snow pack info

as you can see snow is good here and had to dig the cars out after snow for the last two days, our house is at 1000 meters in the Durance valley

We have Rob Benton who is a Fluidskills team member living in the area full time , for uptime date information keep an eye here

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Kayak training for white water

At some point you have to train for the sport that you take part in. Here are my 3 too tips

Technique is the most important component to improving in any sport,The kayak stroke consists of powerful rotation of the upper body, combined with a driving of the legs against the foot rest, As you strive to improve your technique, focus on maintaining an upright posture, keeping your arms straight at the catch and rotating your body rather than pulling your arms toward you.

To really begin to see improvements in your time, you need to get strong in the gym. Begin with body weight exercises such as pull-ups, pushups, sit-ups and squats. Once you can do these with ease, begin lifting weights. The kayak stroke requires tremendous strength in the torso, core and legs, so emphasize these areas. Perform sets of six to 12 repetitions, using 65 percent to 85 percent of your one-repetition maximum to increase muscle size and strength.

Power is a specific type of strength that combines lifting heavy loads with explosive muscle contractions. Power is essential for getting the kayak up and moving from the starting position. Power exercises that are effective for kayaking include power cleans and snatches. Only attempt power lifts under the watchful eye of an experienced coach or strength and conditioning professional. Sets of three to six repetitions, using about 75 percent of your one-rep max will increase power needed for kayaking.

French Alps Snow testing 2013

Some testing for Fluid Skills in the French Alpes

When Darren asked me what the snow was like for this year, and how it was shaping up for the kayaking season, I decide being a diligent member of staff I aught to do some testing, so my mate Mat came over.

                  Day 1
We decide to go for a tour, we were planning to do the Tete de Vautisse, but after Mats long drive from the UK and some very important beer testing we had a later start, so went instead for a tour around the Roche Charniere both are above Le ponteil a great rock climbing venue, high above the Durance valley, it was a really hot day.

Day 2
After another night of beer testing, we decided that some other testing should take place, think what else makes a good paddle trip, Sunshine and warmth, so we went rock climbing at sector Jonathan at the Traverses, to catch some rays, it’s a great crag that being a sun trap you can climb year round ( yes top off climbing in March)


Day 3
Back on the ski’s for some more snow testing, with bad weather due, we went for a trip up to Pre de Madam Carle high up in Ailefroide

Day 4
After the snow and some wine testing time to hit the board for some off piste at Put St Vincent 

Day 5
Back on the skis for a tour, a binding issue cut the day short.


Well I feel I have done some good testing and research for the up and coming season, in short there is lots of snow here, the sun is great, and the beer and the wine well I not 100% so I think I will keep testing that to make sure. Look forward to see you in the Alpes


Rob lives out in the Alpes full time and is one of fluid skills staff as well as running his own stuff through