Thursday 18 April 2013

Darren Joy passes BCU Level 5 coach award

A very long journey and I successfully passed my BCU level 5 inland coach award . This is the highest coaching award the national governing body Canoe England has.
With river levels looking good and lots to come the weekend started at Plas Y Brenin with a brief and interview with my unknown students that I was to coach the next day . A good session with my two students Chris and Hannah on day one on the River Dee, thank you so much for your time And such a pleasure to coach you both.

Day two was with my long term students Dan Daley from Lee valley Watersports site and Darren Sherwood from Chanel training . The water was super high and hitting a great level for us on the River Dee , the rest of North Wales seam to be in super flood?

Over all a great weekend and with great mentoring from Lee Pooley and a lot of thanks for his time and energy over the last 2 years.

A big thank you to everyone that has supported my development towards my L5 , the main person being Kate and your amazing way to keep going and support me all the way.

A very large smile still is on my face and I look forward to just getting out and coaching

Happy paddling
Darren Joy

1 comment:

  1. Great boating with you too Darren and congratulations once again! Very well deserved!

    Hannah (of 'Day One' fame :) )
